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Leading Teams Virtually: It's a Matter of Trust

teamwork virtual Oct 12, 2020


Chances are that if you’re a leader you’ve got a team now working virtually. The world changed overnight and you need to adapt, and fast! Your team members are suddenly forced to distance and isolate and so are likely working from home. But not home alone. They are trying to manage a workload, the stress of the situation, share a home office with a partner and try to keep the kids from killing each other. So what’s a leader to do? Is anything really getting done? 

Let me help you. (four words of fresh air).

Let me give you some advice on how to manage your team from afar and actually flourish in this difficult time. Remember, every crisis presents an opportunity if you look for it, and this could be one for your team. 

First, realize that trust is a choice. You can’t change this situation and you can’t keep an eye on your team members, so you have to choose, will you trust them to work in the best interest of the company as best they can, or will you be suspicious like the jealous lover, worried they’ll be distracted by the other loves (and laundry) of their lives? Choose the former. Choose to trust them. Put your mind at ease, you hired good people to do good work, they will. Unless of course you start to freak out and micro-manage them. 

As I said, this could be a golden opportunity for three good outcomes. One, you have an opportunity to actually grow closer and more cohesive as a team and strengthen your one-on-one relationships that will pay off in spades over the long haul. Second, you have a chance to reset the focus on key deliverables and get people focused on what really matters to advance your business. Third, this is your opportunity to extend an invitation for your team members to really step up. Remember, everyone wants to contribute and be part of something bigger than themselves. Here’s their chance. 

So how do you manage a team virtually? Here are four key considerations:

1. Meet frequently. Now is not the time to “set it and forget it”. Stay in contact with your team. Don’t micro-manage, but get your team together on a regular basis on your favorite web-meeting platform to check-in. Stay connected. Daily if that’s what they need. Don’t let them feel neglected.

2. Meet both as a team and one-on-one with each team member. During this crisis they need, and can have the privilege of, getting more of your time as the leader. Believe it or not, most employees want more face-time with their leader, unless of course you’re just a jerk. Sorry, can’t help with that.

So what do you talk about in these meetings? 

3. Focus on deliverables, not time. Remember, you hired these smart people to deliver for you not to hold down a chair for forty hours a week. So why micro-manage their time now? Yes, they will check in on their kids' school work, throw in another load of laundry, check the Covid stats and stir the crockpot. But then they’ll get back to work. When you meet, talk about the work they're doing and not the time they’re spending. Get your priorities right. Remember, trust is a choice. 

4. When you meet ask HOW they are doing one WHAT they are doing. Use the time to talk about how they are accomplishing their work, what they need, what roadblocks are they facing and how you and the rest of the team can support them. When you’re on the call with all your team, check in with each person on how they’re feeling and then ask where they’re winning and where they’re losing. Remember, trust is a choice, oh, I guess I said that already. 

Lastly, if you haven’t got your act together as a team yet, it’s not too late. Hit the reset button and have your first “good” team meeting. Cover four important points. These are the points of the PowerTeam Compass™.

North: What’s the big goal we want to accomplish during this period, what’s reasonable to get done and how will we do it?

East: What is each person’s part in this endeavour? Who’s doing what?

South: What do we need to get this work done? How will we work together?

West: How will we measure our success and report on our work? And it doesn’t hurt to start planning how we’ll celebrate at the end of all this craziness. 

There you have it. You’re the coach, your team is on the field. Give them instructions, coordinate the plays, cheer them on and then get back on the sideline. Check in with them between plays, but stay off the field. That’s how you win the game! 


Mark Frezell has been “Helping Leaders Lead” for over 25 years. He has led, inspired and mentored executives to front-line leaders. He can help you tap into your own leadership potential, find your leadership voice and develop your unique leadership brand. 


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