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One Trait of Heroes and Leaders

leadership Sep 20, 2021

Why is it that we revere first responders? What do they do that causes us to applaud and honor them? These silent helpers in good times become heroes in tough times. Why is that?

The reason is that they move forward while we move back. When the situation involves an element of danger or something unpleasant, they step up and move in, while the rest of us prefer to shrink back to safety.

This is the same trait of all great leaders. In fact, it might be the litmus test of all leaders. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

The best career advice I ever heard was from an old-time leader recounting what had made him successful in rising to the senior ranks of one of the world's biggest oil companies. He simply said that he learned early in his career to move toward the tension. That’s it, move toward the tension.

This makes sense. This is why we love first responders, they move toward the tension. While everyone else is running for their lives, seeking safety and protection they move in, find solutions and take control.

So too for great leaders. When there’s disunity, disorganization, disruption or disaster, they move toward it. Do you do this? Can you spot trouble and get excited that you’ve found an opportunity to help? If so, you likely have the makings of a good leader.

Leaders are problem solvers: they find solutions, they bring order to chaos, they display a strength of character and tenacity that others need and admire. You can’t display these characteristics by stepping back when help is needed. In fact, you can only live these traits when trouble looms, when there is tension. Leaders need tension like a duck needs water. But diving in always requires a recognition that there is a possibility for personal peril. Yet, the leader chooses to move forward, regardless.

Isn’t that what makes a great leader?

If you want to advance your career, you’ll need to advance on trouble.

Next time you feel the tension, don’t run away, move forward. Show your mettle and move toward the tension.

Think about it.


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